Life of only semi-luxury
Debatten om IPRED-lagen härjar fritt för tillfället. Jag tänker inte lägga mig i den. Däremot kan jag i korthet konstatera att diskussionen i sig gör mig glad eftersom den påminner om South Parks version av det hela:
"– This is the home of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. Look. There's Lars now, sitting by his pool.
What's the matter with him?
– This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it. Come. There's more. Here's Britney Spears' private jet. Notice anything? Britney used to have a Gulfstream IV. Now she's had to sell it and get a Gulfstream III because people like you chose to download her music for free. The Gulfstream III doesn't even have a remote control for its surround-sound DVD system. Still think downloading music for free is no big deal?
We... didn't realize what we were doing...
– That is the folly of man. Now look in this window. Here you see the loving family of Master P. Next week is his son's birthday and, all he's ever wanted was an island in French Polynesia.
So, he's gonna get it, right?
– I see an island without an owner. If things keep going the way they are, the child will not get his tropical paradise.
We're sorry! We'll, we'll never download music for free again!
– Man must learn to think of these horrible outcomes before he acts selfishly or else... I fear... recording artists will be forever doomed to a life of only semi-luxury."
"– This is the home of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. Look. There's Lars now, sitting by his pool.
What's the matter with him?
– This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it. Come. There's more. Here's Britney Spears' private jet. Notice anything? Britney used to have a Gulfstream IV. Now she's had to sell it and get a Gulfstream III because people like you chose to download her music for free. The Gulfstream III doesn't even have a remote control for its surround-sound DVD system. Still think downloading music for free is no big deal?
We... didn't realize what we were doing...
So, he's gonna get it, right?
We're sorry! We'll, we'll never download music for free again!